A | |
access, RemoteStorage | |
addEventListener, eventhandling | |
authing, RemoteStorage | |
B | |
base, RemoteStorage. | |
C | |
caching, RemoteStorage | |
cachinglayer | |
cachingLayer, cachinglayer | |
change | |
changesQueued, RemoteStorage. | |
changesRunning, RemoteStorage. | |
checkPath, RemoteStorage. | |
claim, RemoteStorage. | |
connect | |
connected | |
connecting, RemoteStorage | |
D | |
declareType, RemoteStorage. | |
defineModule, RemoteStorage | |
disable, RemoteStorage. | |
disableLog, RemoteStorage | |
disconnect | |
disconnected, RemoteStorage | |
display | |
displayWidget | |
E | |
enable, RemoteStorage. | |
enableLog, RemoteStorage | |
error, RemoteStorage | |
eventhandling | |
eventHandling, eventhandling | |
Events | |
F | |
features-loaded, RemoteStorage | |
fetchDelta, RemoteStorage. | |
fixArrayBuffers, cachinglayer | |
Functions | |
G | |
getAll, RemoteStorage. | |
getBackgroundSyncInterval, RemoteStorage.Sync | |
getCurrentSyncInterval, RemoteStorage.Sync | |
getFile, RemoteStorage. | |
getItemURL, RemoteStorage. | |
getListing, RemoteStorage. | |
getObject, RemoteStorage. | |
getSyncInterval, RemoteStorage.Sync | |
H | |
hideBubble, RemoteStorage. | |
href, RemoteStorage. | |
L | |
local, RemoteStorage | |
log | |
N | |
not-connected, RemoteStorage | |
O | |
on, eventhandling. | |
onActivate, RemoteStorage. | |
onChange, RemoteStorage | |
P | |
Properties | |
R | |
ready, RemoteStorage | |
remote, RemoteStorage | |
RemoteStorage | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage.I18n | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage.Sync | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
RemoteStorage. | |
remove, RemoteStorage. | |
removeEventListener, eventhandling | |
reset | |
RS#scope, RemoteStorage. |
Install an event handler for the given event name
addEventListener: function( eventName, handler )
Mixes common caching layer functionality into an object.
RemoteStorage.cachingLayer = function( object )
Retrieve caching setting for a given path, or its next parent with a caching strategy set.
checkPath: function( path )
Claim access on a given scope with given mode.
claim: function( scope, mode )
Connect to a remoteStorage server.
connect: function( userAddress )
Method for defining a new remoteStorage data module
RemoteStorage.defineModule = function( moduleName, builder )
Disable caching for a given path.
disable: function( path )
Disable remoteStorage logging
disableLog: function()
“Disconnect” from remotestorage server to terminate current session.
disconnect: function()
Displays the widget via the view.display method
display: function( options )
Draw the widget inside of the dom element with the id options.domID
display: function( options )
Same as display
RemoteStorage.prototype.displayWidget = function( options )
Enable caching for a given path.
enable: function( path )
Enable remoteStorage logging
enableLog: function()
Mixes event handling functionality into an object.
RemoteStorage.eventHandling = function( object )
this method fetches the deltas from the dropbox api, used to sync the storage here we retrive changes and put them into the _revCache, those values will then be used to determin if something has changed.
fetchDelta: function()
Takes an object and its copy as produced by the _deepClone function below, and finds and fixes any ArrayBuffers that were cast to `{}` instead of being cloned to new ArrayBuffers with the same content.
function fixArrayBuffers( srcObj, dstObj )
Get all objects directly below a given path.
getAll: function( path, maxAge )
Get the value of the sync interval when application is in the background
RemoteStorage.prototype.getBackgroundSyncInterval = function()
Get the value of the current sync interval
RemoteStorage.prototype.getCurrentSyncInterval = function()
Get the file at the given path.
getFile: function( path, maxAge )
Retrieve full URL of item
getItemURL: function( path )
Get a list of child nodes below a given path.
getListing: function( path, maxAge )
Get a JSON object from given path.
getObject: function( path, maxAge )
Get the value of the sync interval when application is in the foreground
RemoteStorage.prototype.getSyncInterval = function()
Hide the bubble
hideBubble: function()
The same as RemoteStorage.log.
log: function()
Log using console.log, when remoteStorage logging is enabled.
RemoteStorage.log = function()
Set a callback for when caching is activated for a path.
onActivate: function( cb )
Add a “change” event handler to the given path.
onChange: function( path, handler )
Remove node at given path from storage.
remove: function( path )
Remove a previously installed event handler
removeEventListener: function( eventName, handler )
Reset the state of caching by deleting all caching information.
reset: function()